Use "hayseed|hayseeds" in a sentence

1. Synonyms for Churl include bumpkin, chawbacon, clodhopper, cornball, countryman, hayseed, hick, hillbilly, provincial and rube

2. Synonyms for Churls include bumpkins, chawbacons, clodhoppers, cornballs, countrymen, hayseed, hicks, hillbillies, provincials and rubes

3. Synonyms for Backwoodsman include hick, yokel, rustic, hillbilly, bumpkin, hayseed, rube, provincial, countryman and clodhopper

4. Synonyms for Clodhopper include bumpkin, chawbacon, churl, cornball, countryman, hayseed, hick, hillbilly, provincial and rube